Where both sides are shown. Its Our Voice.

Hi, the is a group project by Mariela and Tiffaney. This is just little section on what this website is about. This is an assignment for our Advance Placement US Government class. Its to get the voice of the youth out on politics and what we , begin ready to vote for the first time, think. We have to show you both sides of the story, something that media sometimes does not do very well. We hope that we can just a little better. We're really going to try not to be biased in anyway. Don't forget comments are always welcomed. it's us.------>

Let us guide you through the site a little.
If you look to the left ---->
your going to be able to see where you can go.

Returns you right back to this page.

"Get to know them"
Just tells you a little about what we believe is the three major candidates from each party. It tells you when and where they were born, where they went to school and a little about there political career. Something we learned in class was that some peoples political beliefs come from the environment they grew up in, which is why we added this section. We believe its good to know where this people are come from, which makes it easier to understand them.

"Health Care"
This section tells you the views of every candidate. We also put them side by side organizing them by party to help understand the differences between parties. This can also help care there views. In this section we have poll that was taken at my school. We included this in there because its the generalized youth idea on what they think about the issue. The poll is no aimed at any candidate just gives an idea on how youth think, in the sense of progressive and orthodox thinking. There is also an interview that we with a care provider on which candidate/party views he support as seeing it first hand in the line of work his in.

This section tells you the views of the candidate in regards with immigration. We believe this is a very controversial problem and many views are seen which is why we wanted to put it here. A lot of people have different options of the topic and many do know where there candidate stands on it because it is not in the media very often when talking about the ran of president. We also placed this topic because candidates have very different ideas for the topic. We have also placed in interview of a Puerto Rican political science student here. Because of his culture back ground and his youth option.

"No Child Left Behind"
This section is about what candidates think about it. Tiffaney wrote it and she would be more then happy to tell you all about more ideas. Just comment it. Thanks.

Coming Soon
One of the major topics when talking about the race for presidency. Here we talk about the views of every candidate but also what we think about it when watching them debate on TV about it. We also give my option because we do not really think that adults understand our views on it. This section is very straight forward. We am also going to post an interview that we trying to get from a Veteran of the Korea and Vietnam war and ask him about his option about being compared to Iraq and who's plans he's support.

Also to your left is ---------->
Logos of all the candidates views we shared.
Right on top of it is a link to there political campaign site.

* All pictures are taken from Flickr